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  • What services do you offer?
    We are a full service wedding & event company. Our services include, but are not limited to: floral arrangements, event coordination, event design, Sofreh Aghd rental, event rentals, catering, photography and videography, and hair and makeup.
  • How do I get more information about your packages and pricing?
    Send us an email at with your name and event details (type of event, location, date, and time). We provide a complimentary 30-minute phone or skype consultation. One of our consultants will reach out to set-up your consultation, during which we will discuss the services you are interested in for your event. Following the consultation, your consultant will create a custom proposal for your event, which will be emailed to you.
  • I had my consultation, what is next?"
    Following the consultation, your consultant will create a custom proposal for your event, which will be emailed to you. Once you are ready to move forward, your consultant will tell you the next steps depending on what service you will be needing for your event.
  • Do you sell custom flower arrangements as well?
    Yes, check out our floral shop at
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